Welcome to Full Metal Package
We care about your production as much as you do. We believe that every project has a story to tell and we want to help you get that story to the people that want it. Whether it be an interesting, heartfelt, funny or more serious tale, we will allow the audience to see that across multiple media platforms. Endearing the audience to your project and whetting their appetite for the eventual and future releases. We know that you have an interesting story to tell, that the press and the fans want to see and hear.
Our mandate is to not just deliver a piece of the production,
here we only deliver the Full Metal Package.

The Presentation
With our combined skills, knowledge and a genuine passion for all aspects of film and Tv, we're willing and able to scour the production from start to finish. Drawing out everything from the natural human elements, to the out of this world techniques that go into filmmaking.
We believe that it's not enough to simply record the process, you must truly document it, allowing the audience to understand all the things that make it special. From the camaraderie on set, to the inner working of the media machine, to the thought processes of the creators and how they're able to put the fantastical images in their head to celluloid.
The Making Of
Genuine, friendly and professional, the Full Metal Package team are able to get the best out of the production team, without getting in the way or hindering the project in any way. Used to being in front of and behind the camera, we know when and where to be, to not only get the choicest shots, but also the best interviews. Understanding the importance of the brand is one of our main focuses. Be it that of the studio, the actors or the IP, we are able to reproduce top quality branded content that meets the diverse needs of all parties involved, regardless of the current zeitgeist.
At Full Metal Package we always deliver on brand and on time.

keeping the magic of cinema alive, for generations to come.

Head of Production &
Company Liaison
James is a man of the red haired persuasion and a verbal wordsmith.
His interview technique and his insightful questions have been likened to Nardwuar & Sean Evans from YouTube's "Hot Ones".
Friendly and professional in equal measure, he's always ready for any scenario. Alongside working as an actor, stunt performer, cameraman and video editor, James has continued to follow his true passion, telling the story of the magic that goes into film making. With years of experience under his belt, he has developed the ability to get interesting, funny and heartfelt responses out of even the toughest customers, making him an instant hit on set. With these skills a truly fantastic EPK is guaranteed, every single time.

Creative Director &
Head of Content
Owen is a brown man and occasional glasses wearer. The glasses may be prescription, but the vision he has is 20-20.
As a writer, director, producer, cinematographer, actor, web developer and graphics designer on countless corporate videos, he has developed the ability to weave even the most mundane product, into an interesting and thought provoking piece of content.
He's able to see to correct path for any given project from the off and is able to stay on top of it, shaping it the whole way. Making sure everyone's vision gets displayed in the best possible way.
Fixing problems is his passion and his curse, unwilling and unable to let things go awry, he lives by the phrase "Good enough isn't good enough."

Head of Post Production &
Lead Video Editor
Ed is a blue eyed boy and a laugh riot. He's a straight, white, male but don't hold that against him. He knows what he's doing and he does it with exceptional passion, commitment and quality.
Being an actor, director, cameraman, cinematographer, sound tech and video editor, on many varied projects over the years, Ed is fully aware of all the intricate details that go into making film and TV.
Because of this he is able to immediately see the most interesting and meaningful parts of the production, allowing him to carve the tale of your production into a story. Bringing not only your vision to life, but crafting the process into a truly unique work of art, equal in quality to the source material.

Production Coordinator &
Affiliate Manager
Abi is a large haired person and a virulent eco warrior.
Her organisational skills are second to none and given the budget, the resources and a megaphone she could probably save the world. 3rd AD by day, producer by night, she eats, sleeps and drinks film. Abi knows everything that goes on behind the camera. Her eagle eye and tactical brain make her and indispensable member of the team, especially when trying to grab a cog out of the rapidly moving machine that is film and tv production. No matter the pace or the size of the production, she is able to navigate the throng to make sure everything gets done and everyone is happy.
With Abi's on set organisation, your time is your own and we work seamlessly around you. You won't even notice we're there.

Public Relations &
Lead Interviewer
Sophie is an Argentinian lady who works with children and animals. Her personality is infectious and her wit is razor sharp.
Disney star/producer and solo musician, she has used her experience to cultivate a formidable style. Able to to make quick accurate assessments she gently guides even the staunchest supporter of silence, into a lively debate. Her techniques are incomparable and irresistible, Sophie knows what topics to avoid and what topics to press, to keep the talent happy. Her knowledge of wavers, disclaimers, NDA's and leak prevention means that she knows, who to interview and where and how to interview them, in order to get excellent and compelling material, with zero risks to the security and branding of star and studio alike.

Head of Post Production &
Lead Video Editor
Ed is a blue eyed boy and a laugh riot. He's a straight, white, male but don't hold that against him. He knows what he's doing and he does it with exceptional passion, commitment and quality.
Being an actor, director, cameraman, cinematographer, sound tech and video editor, on many varied projects over the years, Ed is fully aware of all the intricate details that go into making film and TV.
Because of this he is able to immediately see the most interesting and meaningful parts of the production, allowing him to carve the tale of your production into a story. Bringing not only your vision to life, but crafting the process into a truly unique work of art, equal in quality to the source material.

Public Relations &
Lead Interviewer
Sophie is an Argentinian lady who works with children and animals. Her personality is infectious and her wit is razor sharp.
Disney star/producer and solo musician, she has used her experience to cultivate a formidable style. Able to to make quick accurate assessments she gently guides even the staunchest supporter of silence, into a lively debate. Her techniques are incomparable and irresistible, Sophie knows what topics to avoid and what topics to press, to keep the talent happy. Her knowledge of wavers, disclaimers, NDA's and leak prevention means that she knows, who to interview and where and how to interview them, in order to get excellent and compelling material, with zero risks to the security and branding of star and studio alike.

Creative Director &
Head of Content
Owen is a brown man and occasional glasses wearer. The glasses may be prescription, but the vision he has is 20-20.
As a writer, director, producer, cinematographer, actor, web developer and graphics designer on countless corporate videos, he has developed the ability to weave even the most mundane product, into an interesting and thought provoking piece of content.
He's able to see to correct path for any given project from the off and is able to stay on top of it, shaping it the whole way. Making sure everyone's vision gets displayed in the best possible way.
Fixing problems is his passion and his curse, unwilling and unable to let things go awry, he lives by the phrase "Good enough isn't good enough."

Production Coordinator &
Affiliate Manager
Abi is a large haired person and a virulent eco warrior.
Her organisational skills are second to none and given the budget, the resources and a megaphone she could probably save the world. 3rd AD by day, producer by night, she eats, sleeps and drinks film. Abi knows everything that goes on behind the camera. Her eagle eye and tactical brain make her and indispensable member of the team, especially when trying to grab a cog out of the rapidly moving machine that is film and tv production. No matter the pace or the size of the production, she is able to navigate the throng to make sure everything gets done and everyone is happy.
With Abi's on set organisation, your time is your own and we work seamlessly around you. You won't even notice we're there.

Head of Production &
Company Liaison
James is a man of the red haired persuasion and a verbal wordsmith.
His interview technique and his insightful questions have been likened to Nardwuar & Sean Evans from YouTube's "Hot Ones".
Friendly and professional in equal measure, he's always ready for any scenario. Alongside working as an actor, stunt performer, cameraman and video editor, James has continued to follow his true passion, telling the story of the magic that goes into film making. With years of experience under his belt, he has developed the ability to get interesting, funny and heartfelt responses out of even the toughest customers, making him an instant hit on set. With these skills a truly fantastic EPK is guaranteed, every single time.